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I recognize the importance of a client-centered wellness, which inspires me to create strong and long-lasting bonds with each of my patients. It’s a privilege to serve the community of South Florida by providing quality chiropractic care attention through sound  advice and responsible diagnoses and procedures.

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Physical therapy on leg



I am doctor Matthew Holmes a doctor of chiropractic. I have been practicing since 2015 receiving my education from Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida.  While studying there I had the opportunity to work a number of different sports events. Working with many different types of athletes competing in a specific sports and endurance competitions.  I first developed my skills working with athletes working as an athletic trainer.  Before becoming a chiropractor I enjoyed working with athletes. I received my bachelors degree in athletic training from the University of Central Florida where I worked with college athletes and also other patients with athletic injuries.  The sports I worked were football, basketball, track & field, rowing, cheerleading, and high school sports.  This is where my knowledge of rehabilitation and recovery started to develop. With a combination of these skills from my education I am able to take a well rounded approach to all patients. My treatment program not only focuses on spinal correction.  There is also a focus on function and mobility. This method will ensure healthy recovery and sustained wellness. Treating my patients this way allows me to give them everything they need to feel healthy and stay healthy. I graduated in 2010 from the University of Central Florida with a bachelor in Athletic Training. After receiving a bachelors I started at Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida. During my time at Palmer College I took numerous electives to help broaden my knowledge in health. This is where I was able to learn acupuncture and how it can be used in conjunction with chiropractic. After graduating I started working as professor at Broward College teaching wellness. In addition to that he also began working with different middle schools and high schools working as an athletic trainer at the games and practices.  With my experience working with a wide spectrum of patients he wants to use his knowledge to help unlock the body’s ability to heal. With knowledge of a health through nutrition, exercise, and treatment the goal is to treat the entire body.

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The goal is to restore normal function to your body. When the body is not balanced internally we start to feel pain or unwell. The focus is to find the root cause of that problem so that the patient has the best outcome.  There are different factors throughout our daily life that influence our health.  These activities of daily life can be either unconsciously beneficial to health or detrimental to health. This why we may have certain health issues that seemingly appear suddenly.  To help avoid these problems I want to help the body function at 100% to help optimize wellness.

            As a chiropractor I focus on the spine. I look for imbalances in the spine called subluxation.  These subluxations put pressure on the nervous system causing dysfunction within the body. The subluxations are removed by an adjustment. At this practice I aim to help patient reach their goals for health. Working with different health problems is welcomed.  Whether it is a sports injury, chronic pain, acute pain, or general health issues.

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Care Comes First

Chiropractic is a form of healthcare that focuses on spinal health. Chiropractors focus on imbalances and misalignments in the spine. These misalignments are referred to as subluxation. A subluxation is a misalignment in a vertebral segment that puts added pressure on the spinal nerves and structures around that vertebrae.  It can cause spinal pain, headaches, insomnia, and chronic joint issues. Subluxation can be caused by trauma or daily activities that gradually put stress on the body. The subluxation is removed by adjustment. An adjustment is a specific thrust applied to the area of the body to provide proper alignment. Subluxation is found through palpation and posture assessment. Adjustment can be done by hand or with an instrument depending on the tolerance of the patient.

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Chiropractic Adjustment

Helping You Get Healthy

Methods of adjustment
Activator: a mechanical adjustment that gently provides adjustments to acute or sensitive patients.
Thompson drop: a manual adjustment utilizing drops for adjustment
SOT blocks: Using gravity to help mobilize the hips
Diversified: a method of using the hands to adjust the spine with a specific thrust to a dysfunction joint.


Taking Care of You

  • Foam rolling

  • Theraband

  • Light strengthening (bodyweight and free weight)

  • The focus is mobility and stabilization


The Care You Deserve

Stretching: There are different types of stretching that will be utilized to help the movement and function of muscle.

  • Static stretching: a passive stretch to a muscle to help the flexibility of muscles

  • PNF stretching: Stands for Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation. It allows for the patient to increase the movement of the muscle very quickly.

  • Muscle work: This method allows for a direct focus on a specific area of the muscle to release tension. With our muscle especially at the attachments there are nodule that form creating dysfunction. The muscle work is used to help remove these nodules or knots in the muscle


Helping You Get Healthy

The body has internal and external issues that need to be addressed. Acupuncture allows for the practitioner to treat any health issue that is cause by internal imbalances.  It is a health practice using needles which are sterile and unused. The treatment is determined by the complaints of the patient.  Chronic and acute issues can all be treated. In conjunction with chiropractic adjustment it can be a very powerful form of treatment.

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Neck Brace

Chronic Neck Pain Treatment

Helping Relieve Daily Stiffness


Back Pain Treatment

The Care You Deserve


Pain in Joints of the Extremities

 Taking care of Chronic Aches and Pains


Muscle pain

Addressing Muscle dysfunction



Taking Care of You


Arthritis Treatment

Helping You Get Relief from Chronic Pain



Relieving Pain Down the Leg

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Sports Injuries

Taking Care of You


Family Wellness

Helping You Get Healthy

If you ‘d like to book an appointment, please get in touch today.


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The use of cold therapy will be used to bring down inflammation and treat pain


Hot packs will be used to help alleviate chronic pain. The heat will also increase mobility within the muscles.


This is a treatment primarily used to treat pain in a specific area.


This is a form of therapy that is used to treat and area of pain superficially and deep in the muscle. The heat provided from the machine allows for greater motion and circulation to that area.


This treatment is used on the muscles to help remove tight areas within the muscle

Get in Touch

Medical Practice


Patients can be seen at home to remove the stress of traveling for the patient. All services will be provided at your location. Appointment can be scheduled at your convenience. Times and dates will be discussed and you will receive service. The mobile service allows the doctor to come to you and provide treatment and spend the required amount of time with you. There will be no rush and you will get the amount of attention you deserve. Contact me through phone or email and your appointment will be scheduled at the time of your choosing. My goal with mobile chiropractic service is to make care easier and more accessible for the patient.

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I love helping my patients feel healthy and happy.

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Address: 660 State Road 7

Plantation, FL 33317 USA


Office phone: 954-368-7782   Phone: 407-963-0205

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